Daily Archives: December 22, 2023

A Restored Stanwell Made in Denmark Black n’ Silver Lovat 98.

Blog by Steve Laug

I moved on to work on another pipe. The next one I chose was another Stanwell in a Pipe Sock that came to us from our connection in Copenhagen, Denmark 01/26/2023. The stamping on the pipe was very clear and readable. On the underside of the shank it is stamped ahead of the black and silver band and reads Stanwell [over] Made in Denmark [over] Black ‘n [over] Silver. the right side of the shank it is stamped with a shape number 98 mid-shank. The end of the shank had a combination silver and black fancy band on it. The stem had a brass Crowned “S” Stanwell logo inlaid on left side of the saddle stem. The bowl had a moderate cake and there was some lava, dust and debris on the rim top and inner edges. The finish was in okay condition with oils and grime ground into the briar around the bowl sides. The acrylic stem has light tooth marks on the top and a bite through on the underside next to the button. It showed a lot of promise through the grime. Jeff took photos of the pipe as he saw it at this stage of his clean up. Jeff took photos of the bowl and the rim top to show their condition. You can see the moderate cake in the bowl and the heavy overflow of lava on the top and the inner edge of the bowl. It is hard to know the condition of the inner edge because of the lava coat. The stem is also shown in the photos and you can see the bite through in the underside of the stem in the third stem photo below. He took photos of the sides and the heel of the bowl to show the amazing grain that stands out through the grime on the finish. It is a beauty!      He took photos of the stamping on the underside of the shank. It is clear and readable as noted above. He also took a photo of the band and Crown “S” logo on the stem side. There was not much information available on the Black’n Silver Line but I did find a listing on Google when I searched. Smokingpipes.com had on listed that was an Ivarsson design billiard (https://www.smokingpipes.com/pipes/estate/denmark/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=284389). I have included the description below:

We see it here in the ‘Black N Silver’ series, with a smooth, walnut finish, along with a neat, metal-accented jet-black stem. There are some dings and scratches around the bowl, but otherwise condition is good.

The best I can determine is that the Black ‘n Silver stamp refers to the colour of the band on the shank end. It has a combination of a black and silver pattern on the surface. Now it was time to work on the pipe.

Jeff had done a great job cleaning up the pipe as usual. He reamed the pipe with a PipNet reamer and cut back the cake back to the bare briar. He cleaned up the walls with a Savinelli Fitsall Pipe Knife. He scrubbed the interior of the bowl and shank with pipe cleaners, cotton swabs and alcohol to remove the tars and oils. He scrubbed the exterior of the pipe with Murphy’s Oil Soap and a tooth brush to remove the grime from the finish. He worked on the rim top lava and darkening with the soap and tooth brush. He scrubbed the inside of the stem with alcohol and pipe cleaners. He scrubbed the exterior with Soft Scrub and then soaked it in Briarville’s Pipe Stem Deoxidizer. He washed it off with warm water to remove the Deoxidizer. The pipe looked far better when it arrived. I took photos of the bowl and rim top as well as the stem to show how clean they were. You can see that rim top and edges look very good. There are some darker spots on the rim top that should come off with polishing. The stem is clean and there are tooth and chatter on both sides ahead of the button. On the underside of the stem there is a small bite through and wear that is visible in the photo.I took photos of the stamping on the sides of the shank and on the brass plaquette. The stamping is clear and readable. I removed the stem from the shank and took a photo to give a sense of what the pipe looked like and also what the band was like on the shank end. I decided to switch things up a bit on this pipe. I started with the repair to the bite through on the underside of the stem first. I greased a pipe cleaner with Vaseline and inserted it into the slot under the bite through. This prevents the repair from seeping into the airway. I filled in the hole and wear around it with black CA rubberized glue. I filled in the tooth marks next to the button on the top side at the same time. I set the stem aside to let the glue cure. I sprayed it with an accelerator and removed the pipe cleaner from the airway. The airway was clear and the airflow was perfect.Several hours later I came back to the stem. The repair had cured and I used a small file to flatten out the repaired areas on both sides. I further smoothed out the repairs with a folded piece of 220 grit sandpaper to blend them into the surrounding surface area. It was looking much better at this point. I polished the vulcanite stem surface and repairs near the button with a new product I am using. I ordered a set of 2 inch sanding pads for 320-3500 grit sanding pads from Amazon. They work amazingly well and are easy to manage and sand close to the sharp edge of the button.I polished the stem with micromesh sanding pads – dry sanding with 1500-12000 grit pads. I wiped the stem down after each sanding pad with Obsidian Oil.I polished it with Before & After Pipe Stem Polish – both Fine and Extra Fine. I gave it a coat of Obsidian Pipe Stem Oil. I set the stem aside and turned my attention to the bowl. I started my work on the pipe by polishing the briar with 1500-12000 grit micromesh sanding pads. I wiped the bowl down after each sanding pad with a damp cloth. I polished the black and Sterling Silver band with a jewellers cloth to restore the shine and remove the tarnish. It really glows now. I rubbed the briar down with Before & After Restoration Balm. I worked it into the briar with my fingertips. The product works to clean, enliven and preserve the briar. I let it sit for 10 minutes while I worked on the stem. After the time passed I buffed it with a cotton cloth to deepen the shine. The briar really comes alive with the balm. I am excited to put the finishing touches on this unique Stanwell Made in Denmark Black’n Silver 98 Lovat. I put the pipe back together and buffed it with Blue Diamond on the buffing wheel. I gave the bowl and the stem multiple coats of carnauba wax. I buffed the pipe with a clean buffing pad to raise the shine and hand buffed it with microfiber cloth to deepen the shine. It is fun to see what the polished bowl looks like with the brass plaquette and the polished vulcanite stem. This Stanwell Black’n Silver 98 Lovat is nice looking and the pipe feels great in my hand. It is light and well balanced. Have a look at it with the photos below. The dimensions are Length: 5 inches, Height: 1 ½ inches, Outside diameter of the bowl: 1 1/8 inches, Chamber diameter: ¾ of an inch. The weight of the pipe is 1.20 ounces/34 grams. It is a beautiful pipe and one that I will be putting in the Danish Pipemaker Section on the rebornpipes store. Thanks for walking through the cleanup with me as I worked over this pipe.

As always, I encourage your questions and comments as you read the blog. Thanks to each of you who are reading this blog. Remember we are not pipe owners; we are pipe men and women who hold our pipes in trust until they pass on into the trust of those who follow us. 

A Complete Bowl to Button Restoration of an Heirloom Medico VFQ

Love the log write up…value of a pipe is a loaded term but no matter how you define it you have increased that pipe’s value. Well done.

As a restorer and pipe repairman, I am often asked about the value of a particular pipe. On the surface this is a straightforward question about …

A Complete Bowl to Button Restoration of an Heirloom Medico VFQ