Tag Archives: Brigham Canada 289 Bent Acorn

Restoring a Family Heirloom Brigham Select Canada Two Dot 289 Bent Acorn

Blog by Steve Laug

The pipe on the table is a rusticated Brigham Bent Acorn that came to me for restoration from a Alex who shipped it to me from Quebec. He had written recently to ask about restoring the pipe. Here is what he wrote at that point.


I was gifted a Brigham from my grandfather who passed away in 1982.

The pipe still has the filter and had tobacco that I tossed out. It has heavy cake, the bottom of the bowl is now V shape and not U shape.

Also, I can’t get a pipe cleaner to pass the shank and get into the bowl, yet I can get air when I sip it.

How much would it cost to restore this pipe?

Thanks, Alex

We discussed what it would cost and chatted back and forth through emails. I asked him to send me some photos of the pipe so I could see what I would be dealing with. He sent the photos that I have included below that really give a clear picture of the pipe and what needs to be done with it. I told him I would take it on and he dropped it into the post for me to work on. The pipe arrived in Vancouver in this morning’s post. I opened the box and I examined the pipe carefully and no additional issues arose that I had not seen in the photos that Alex sent. I wrote Alex an email regarding what I saw. Here is my assessment:

  1. The bowl is thickly caked as you noted and it is hard cake. No issues that I can see there though. Once I ream it I will know what the briar is like on the inside.
  2. Rim top has a thick lava overflow on the top along the back and the inner edge. Will know more about the condition of the edge once I ream it.
  3. The finish on the bowl was very dirty with grime and grit ground into the rustication on the finish. The smooth portions had sticky spots of tars and oils on the surface.
  4. The stem fit very tightly due to a thick tar coating on the inside of the shank but no issues there. No cracks in the shank.
  5. The filter is as you guessed garbage but once I have cleaned the pipe I will replace it with a new one.
  6. Aluminum tenon/holder for the filter is dirty and has some oxidation at the stem end.
  7. The inside of the stem is filthy but easy to clean.
  8. Stem is badly oxidized but the tooth marks are very light and the tooth chatter is also very light.

This Brigham is stamped on a smooth panel on the underside of the shank and reads 289 (shape number) followed by Brigham in script (over) Canada. There was a thick cake in the bowl leaving it almost conical as Alex noted. There was a lava overflow on the smooth rim top that was heavier on the back side of the top. The inner edge of the bowl were in good condition with a few small nicks and some darkening. The rusticated finish is dirty and dusty. The stem was oxidized and spotty on the top and underside and around the shank end. The stem did not have tooth marks or chatter. There were two brass dots on the left side of the taper stem. I took photos of the pipe before I started my cleanup work on it. I took a close-up photo of the bowl and rim top to show the cake in the bowl. The rim top shows the thick lava on the back half of the rim top. The inner edge of the bowl shows an overflow of thick lava and cake. I took photos of the top and underside of the stem surface and button to show its general condition. It looked very good under the spotty oxidation. I took a photo of the stamping on the underside of the shank on the smooth patch. It is very clear and readable.I removed the stem from the shank and was not surprised to see the Brigham Hard Maple filter in the metal tenon. You can see the two brass dots on the left side of the stem in the photo below. I thought it would be helpful to give you all the background of the brand for those unfamiliar with the brand. I am including the information from Pipedia on Brigham pipes. It is a great read in terms of the history and background on the pipes (https://pipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Pipes). Charles Lemon (Dadspipes) has recently published a book on the history of the brand. If you can get a hold of a copy it is a great read. The Pipedia article is a good summary. I have included it below.

Roy Brigham, after serving an apprenticeship under an Austrian pipesmith, started his own pipe repair shop in Toronto, in 1906. By 1918 the business had grown to include five other craftsmen and had developed a reputation across Canada for the high quality of workmanship. After repairing many different brands of pipes over the years, Roy noted certain recurring complaints by pipe smokers, the most common referred to as “tongue bite”. Tongue bite is a burning sensation on the smoker’s tongue, previously thought to be due to the heat of the smoke (i.e. a “hot smoking pipe”).

He soon began manufacturing his own pipes, which were lightweight, yet featured a more rugged construction, strengthening the weak points observed in other pipes. The problem of tongue bite intrigued him, and he decided to make overcoming it a future goal.

About 1938, Roy’s son Herb joined him to assist in the business. The business barely survived the great depression because pipes were considered to be a luxury, not a necessity, and selling pipes was difficult indeed. In approximately 1937 [1], after some experimentation, Roy and Herb discovered that tongue bite was in fact a form of mild chemical burn to the tongue, caused by tars and acids in the smoke. They found that by filtering the smoke, it was possible to retain the flavour of the tobacco and yet remove these impurities and thereby stop the tongue bite.

Just as Thomas Edison had searched far and wide for the perfect material from which to make the first electric light bulb filaments, Roy & Herb began experimenting with many materials, both common and exotic, in the quest for the perfect pipe filter. Results varied wildly. Most of the materials didn’t work at all and some actually imparted their own flavour into the smoke. They eventually found just two materials that were satisfactory in pipes: bamboo and rock maple. As bamboo was obviously not as readily available, rock maple then became the logical choice.

They were able to manufacture a replaceable hollow wooden tube made from rock maple dowelling, which when inserted into a specially made pipe, caused absolutely no restriction to the draw of the pipe, yet extracted many of the impurities which had caused tongue bite. The result was indeed a truly better smoking pipe…

Charles Lemon has also written a great article on the stamping and marking on the Brigham pipes that fit into a time line that he has drafted. It is well worth a read and is fascinating. (https://pipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Pipes_%E2%80%93_A_Closer_Look_at_Dots,_Dates_and_Markings). I quote from the pertinent section on the time frame for this pipe.

I have dubbed the decades between 1980 and 2000 the Late Canadian Era, a period that saw several changes at Brigham that are of note to the collector. First, the traditional 8-grade pinning system (the famous Brigham “Dots” which denoted the quality of the pipe) was changed to a 7-grade system to simplify pinning (more on this below), and the Norsemen and Valhalla series were merged to form the President Series, which represented the very finest pipes coming out of the Toronto factory. Early pipes from this era (left, below) are stamped with a shape number and “Brigham” over “Canada”; later pipes (late 1980s+, on right below) are stamped simply with a shape number and the Brigham logo.

This solidly places the pipe I am working on in the period of Brigham production that Charles calls the Late Canadian Era (1980-2000). It is a great looking pipe with a slightly different rustication pattern than some of the early Brighams I have worked on.

Charles also put together a chart that helps the restorer to understand the Brigham dot system. I quote from the same link on Pipedia as noted above. Since this pipe could be from the 1980s I have included the chart below.

The Original Brigham Dot System 1938 – 1980

Brigham pipes are renown in the pipe world for their famous “Brigham Dots”, a system of brass pins inset in the stem to denote the grade of each pipe. The original 8-grade pinning system, used for 42 years between 1938 and 1978 (spanning the Patent, Post-Patent and Canadian Eras) looked like this:

With the information from Charles’ article and the chart above I knew what I was dealing with in terms of the stamping and the age of this pipe. The pipe was made between in 1970-1980 because of the style of the stamping noted above. The 2 dots on the pipe told me that it was a Brigham Select. Now it was time to work on the pipe.

I began my work by reaming the bowl with a PipNet pipe reamer using the third cutting head to take the cake back to bare briar. I cleaned up the reaming with a Savinelli Fitsall Pipe Knife. I sanded the bowl walls with 220 grit sandpaper wrapped around a piece of dowel. The walls were clean and showed no damage from heat. I scrubbed the exterior of the bowl and the rim a tooth brush and undiluted Murphy’s Oil Soap. It looked much better and the dust and debris was gone. I used a brass bristle wire brush to cleanup the thick cake on the rim top. It worked very well to remove the remnant on the top of the rim. It looks much better.I scrubbed out the internals with 99% isopropyl alcohol, pipe cleaners and cotton swabs until the shank and the airway into the bowl and the stem were clean. I worked on the rim top and inner edge of the bowl with a folded piece of 220 grit sandpaper to remove the damage and marks.I polished the smooth rim top and smooth patches on the bowl sides with 1500-12000 grit micromesh sanding pads. I wiped it down with a damp cloth after each pad. The rim top and patches took on a deep shine that highlighted the grain. I worked some Before & After Restoration Balm into the surface of the briar with my fingertips and a horsehair shoe brush to clean, enliven and protect the briar. I let the balm sit for 15 minutes and then buffed with a cotton cloth to raise the shine. The photos show the bowl at this point in the restoration process. With that done, the bowl was finished other than the final buffing. I set it aside and turned my attention to the stem. I scrubbed the surface of the stem with Soft Scrub to remove the oxidation on the surface of the vulcanite. It came out looking much better.I sanded out the remaining oxidation and the tooth marks with 320-3500 grit sanding pads. They take the surface from rough to shiny by the time I use the 3500 grit pad. Before polishing the stem further, I decided to fit it with a new Rock Maple Distillator.I polished the stem with micromesh sanding pads – wet sanding with 1500-12000 grit sanding pads. I wiped it down after each sanding pad with Obsidian Oil. I finished polishing it with Before & After Pipe Stem Polish – both Fine and Extra Fine and buffed it off with a cotton cloth. I gave it a coat of Obsidian Oil to preserve and protect the stem. I am excited to finish this Brigham Canada 289 Bent Acorn. I put the pipe back together and buffed it with Blue Diamond on the buffing wheel. I gave the bowl multiple coats of Conservator’s Wax and the stem multiple coats of carnauba wax. I buffed the pipe with a clean buffing pad to raise the shine and hand buffed it with microfiber cloth to deepen the shine. It is fun to see what the polished bowl looks like with the rusticated finish. Added to that the polished black vulcanite stem with the shining brass pins was beautiful. This mixed grain on the rusticated Brigham Select 2 Dot 289 Bent Acorn is nice looking and the pipe feels great in my hand. It is light and well balanced. Have a look at it with the photos below. The dimensions are Length: 6 inches, Height: 2 inches, Outside diameter of the bowl: 1 ½ inches, Chamber diameter: ¾ of an inch. The weight of the pipe is 1.69 ounces/48 grams. It is a beautiful pipe and one that will be heading back to Alex to smoke in memory of his Grandfather. Thanks for walking through the cleanup with me as I worked over this pipe.

As always, I encourage your questions and comments as you read the blog. Thanks to each of you who are reading this blog. Remember we are not pipe owners; we are pipe men and women who hold our pipes in trust until they pass on into the trust of those who follow us.