Tag Archives: Heritage Heirloom 72 Canadian

Refurbishing a Heritage Heirloom

Blog by Andrew Selking

I recently stumbled across the Heritage line of pipes. These pipes were made in the Kaywoodie factory, but on a completely separate line. Heritage pipes were Kaywoodie’s answer to Dunhill. According to one of their brochures, Heritage pipes were made from “briar burls seasoned and cured for up to 8 months,” with only “one briar bowl in over 300 selected to bear the Heritage name.” “Heritage stems are custom fitted with the finest hand finished Para Rubber stems. Mouthpieces are wafer thin and concave.”

The Heritage line began in the early 1960’s, with the trademark issued in 1964. The line was started at the request of Stephen Ogdon, (who worked for Kaywoodie in 1962). Mr. Ogdon had previous experience working for Dunhill, either running the New York store or working for Dunhill North America. Mr. Ogden was made President of Heritage Pi pes, Inc., Kaywoodie Tobacco Co.,Inc. and Kaywoodie Products Inc. as well as a Vice President of S.M. Frank & Co. Heritage Pipes were produced from 1964 until 1970 (Source Kaywoodie.myfreeforum.org).

Here is a copy of the Heritage brochure. (Courtesy Kaywoodiemyfreeforum) heritage1_zps888f5f2b heritage2_zps0d4dc760 heritage3_zpsef2358c6 The pipe I found was the number 72 Medium Canadian, oval shank. Interestingly, the one thing the Heritage line shared with Kaywoodie was the size and shape numbers. Unlike Kaywoodies, the Heritage pipes are normal push tenons.

When the pipe arrived, it had some tar build up on the rim and a thick layer of cake.Andrew1

Andrew2 The stem had some oxidation, but minimal chatter.Andrew3


Andrew5 The finish was in nice condition, so I decided to forgo the alcohol bath and attempt to keep the original finish.Andrew6

Andrew7 The first thing I did was ream the bowl. I used my Castleford reamer and was delighted to find that the cake was very loose, mostly old tobacco, and it easily cleaned back to the wood.Andrew8 Next I decided to find out how the bad the rim was under the tar build up.Andrew9 After a light buffing with 0000 steel wool, the tar was gone and I could see a pristine rim.Andrew10 Since I was on a roll, I decided to re-tort the shank.Andrew11 I normally show pictures of a brush loaded with gunk, but in this case the brush came clean on the first pass. I proceeded to use some q-tips and fuzzy sticks on the shank. Most of the tar came off with the first couple of q-tips, after that it was just a matter of a few more and the shank was clean.Andrew12 Since I didn’t soak the bowl in alcohol, I decided to soak it with some alcohol soaked cotton balls.Andrew13 While the bowl soaked, I retorted the stem.Andrew14 It was just as clean as the shank (this was the first fuzzy stick I passed through after the retort).Andrew15This was the cleanest “dirty” pipe I’ve ever had. Since the stem was so clean inside, I skipped the Oxyclean bath and tackled the oxidation. I used my normal progression of 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper with water, followed by 1500-2400 grit micro mesh pads with water.Andrew16 The finish seemed really dark, probably the result of oil from the previous owner’s hands, so I used some 0000 steel wool and acetone to clean the outside of the bowl and shank.Andrew17 The steel wool worked well on the bowl, so I skipped the 1500-2400 grit micro mesh and started at 3200. I used a progression of 3200-12,000 grit micro mesh for the bowl and stem in preparation for the buffing wheel.Andrew18 After an uneventful spin on the buffer, here is the finished pipe.Andrew19




Andrew23 This line of pipes might be one of the best kept secrets out there. I find that the quality of the stem compares to Dunhills and the wood is spectacular. I highly recommend these pipes.heritage4_zpsdc6295ef