Daily Archives: August 1, 2018

BBB BROCHURE (Best British Briar) dated about 1960.

Blog by Steve Laug

I have followed several of the pipe groups on Facebook for some time now. One of the groups I follow is the Pipe Club of Brasil. Victor C. Naddeo is the Administrator of that group and often posts some interesting pieces of pipe memorabilia. Over the past several days he has been posting some older pipe brochures and catalogues pages that he has found. Yesterday he posted an older BBB Brochure from the 1960s. When I saw it I knew I wanted to preserve it on rebornpipes. I am a long time collector and smoker of BBB pipes and enjoy the classic shapes and great finishes on these pipes. I saved the photos that he posted so I could share them here. Thank you Victor for posting these on the Pipe Club Brasil Group. If you would like to check out the group on Facebook here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1001391469961131/