Tag Archives: Kenneth’s Children’s Pipe Drawings

Pipes in the Eyes of Children

by Kenneth Lieblich

And now for something completely different. I thought I’d put together a quick piece on something a bit more jovial and lighthearted. My wife and I have been blessed with four children and, as they grow, I am constantly delighted and amused by their observations of the world around them. Over the past couple of years, two of my children have taken it upon themselves to draw pictures of pipes. The naïve art of any child is lovely, charming, and perhaps even beautiful because it simply manifests the reality of their world, by their own hand. In this case, my children are sharing something with me that they know has significance to me.

First, the drawing above is of a magician’s hat. However, instead of pulling a bunny rabbit out of the hat, pipes come out of the hat!

Next, here is a seven-day set of pipes;Followed, I suppose, by a twelve-month set of pipes:Then a few odds-and-ends:I hope you enjoyed the drawings! Please continue to follow me here on Steve’s website or email me directly at kenneth@knightsofthepipe.com. Thank you very much for reading and, as always, I welcome and encourage your comments.